Saturday, 15 June 2013

Why you shouldn't join the natural hair bandwagon....

Sooooo this may sound counterintuitive ...right? After all, this is primarily a natural air blog ( everyone is welcome, but I'm natural at the moment and more versed in this field). Anywho, I am loving how many naturals I see when I go out. And when I get into hair conversations with people, I am so energized and willing to share everything I know.
I think back to the time I started my hair journey. I did not wake up and decide to go natural. It kind of happened. I first started my hair journey as a relaxed gal. I tried to stretch my relaxer but I found out I had badly damaged hair, and ended up cutting off all my relaxed hair a few months later. By then, I did know a bit about taking care of relaxed hair, but was still a bit clueless about natural hair.
So I stared in the mirror at my cropped kinky hair and thought, "now what!?"

Luckily I was a quick learner, but also in those early days I made use of a lot of protective styling while I educated myself.
So what's my advice? Don't just "jump on the bandwagon". Before you commit yourself to Team Natural, try and learn a bit about natural hair.
Some things I discovered once I was into my journey. This year I discovered single strand knots! When my hair was dry when I was relaxed,it still was ok to comb and looked ok....but now I'm natural, when my hair is dry!!... It's like the Sahara desert all up in there! And it's mores one to breakage in that dry state as compared to relaxed dry hair.
Natural hair isn't "easy". It requires a lot of time and energy on some days. For some of us, skip one day of moisturising and you are in trouble!
If your natural hair gets are in trouble. It will take a lot of time and patience to work those tangles out...

It's not all doom and gloom. As you know, I LOVE my natural hair. I have now worked out a routine that works for me and my lifestyle. My regimen is part of my normal day to day life and I have engrained those habits.

My advice is know what to expect when you join team natural. You may need to learn some new techniques, such as never combing your natural hair...(gasp! We don't comb our hair!?) but overall, I have enjoyed being a natural. Some things annoy me line how my hair grows soooo slowly. I had many times I wanted to be like, screw this!, but I set realistic goals and smiled when I accomplished them. Natural hair is beautiful, and once you get the hang of it you will be on your way to beautiful kinky locks.

Stay blessed

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