Tuesday, 21 May 2013

The Art of Mixology...

So anyone who has ever been to my house is well aware that I love mixing my concoctions! lol! Some have accused me of turning into a Mother nature freak. Well I cant claim that I am that, I still have chemicals that I use in my house, but where I can I do try to be as environmetally frienly as I can.

When I started my hair journey, I learnt alot about what we put into our bodies and onto our hair and skin. For example the mineral oil that is loaded into many of our haircare and skin products. While my skin is semi-okay with mineral oil, my hair certainly does not like this. Here in South Africa we dont have access to many hair products that do not contain mineral oil. Sometimes I really have to go out of my way to soruce them. But when I cant, I make use of the products that are more easily available to me.

I would like to share some of the recipes tat I have learnt from others as well as created myself.
How we can use common ingredients, many of which you probably already have in your kitchen, to make some yummy concoctions that will give you beautiful skin and hair.

A word of caution though: not everything is for everyone. I was so quick to jump on the Shea Butter bandwagon and began using it as a sealer for my hair....that didnt quite work out for me. But now I use it as a pre-poo, and getting much better results with it.
So try the recipes, tweak them around and see what works for you.

So here is my first recipe in the Mixology Series:

This is a very simple mix to start us off. I use this mixture as a sealer after I apply my hair moisturiser, but it also works so well as a hot oil treatment and my hair loves it this winter.

  • 3 tablespoons olive oil (Preferably Extra virgin)
  • 3 tablespoons avocado oil
  • 3 tablespoons coconut oil (also preferably the extra virgin variety)
  • a few drops of an essential oil of your picking (do your research first)
The first 3 ingredients work so well and are able to penetrate the hair shaft. no other oils are able to do this as efficiently as these 3. Heat these 3 up in a double boiler. Stove top or microwave may result in these being heated to a very high temperature. Please be careful in heating these oils.
Once they are warmed up, apply to your hair, section by section, from root to tip. pay special attention to your ends as these are the oldest parts of your hair and they need more TLC.
 Cover your hair with a plastic showercap. You can either cover with a warm and damp towel, or a heated conditioning cap for about 20-30minutes.
Rinse this out of your hair with a little bit of shampoo or conditioner. (Beware of slippery shower floors)
proceed to style as usual.

There you have the first simple recipe, all from ingredients you can find in your kitchen :)

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